全校生徒が40名ほどで、とてもアットホームな校舎。新しく建て替えられ、とても素敵な作りです。 演奏したのは音楽室。外に面する窓は全面ガラス張りとなっており、芝生のある中庭に面しており、全開にして野外ステージと化するのです。お話によると、卒業生の方が設計されたとか。令和2年に建て替えが終わったそうですが、このステージのお披露目がなかなかできなかったそうです。
スタッフのかたが沢山パイプ椅子を並べて準備くださっていて、これが埋まるのかなとの不安も瞬時で吹き飛び、演奏中も椅子が追加されたり、立ち見が出たりと多くの方が集まってくださいました。 中には、赤ちゃんを抱っこしながら、音楽に合わせてゆらゆらとスイングされている姿を見ながらとても暖かい気持ちになりました。
On Nov, 3rd, it was the Culture Day, national holiday. I was invited to perform at the Ikachi Community event in Yanai.
The Ikachi is located at northern Yanai city and the Ikachi elementary school has only about 40 students and surrounded by rice fields. (Ikachi is famous for their rice!!)
The leader of the community came to our concert in Jul and offered us to perform and finally the time has come! The venue is actually a music room of the school and when the windows are opened, it will become an outdoor stage! The school was renovated, and opened a couple years ago, but due to the pandemic, they didn't have chance to show the community of the venue.
On the day, they also had the exhibits to show the past and present time of Ikachi and people and neighbors were enjoying them.
The program we performed were some classical tunes and Japanese songs, and at the end we did the piece the students performed a day before at the concert. The children told us that it went well and they performed with melodica, cymbal, and accordion.
There came so many people and the staff were handing out extra seats! It was very heartwarming to see a person with a baby swinging his arm with the music.
I was strongly convinced that where there is leaders who are passionate toward music, it is possible to revive the community. It gave me a great courage that we will continuously work to bring live music, especially classical music to the community.