Smiley Moon Challenge: Smiley Moon
(This is an edited version of what I wrote on NOTE in November 2023)
Encountering the piece "Smiley Moon"
On one occasion, I was introduced to composer Yukiko Nishimura and encountered her many wonderful musical pieces. I directly asked her if there were any pieces among her wind ensemble or string ensemble compositions that I could play.
She told me, "There's a piece called 'Smiley Moon'." This is apparently a solo piece included in a woodwind instrument instruction book called "Sound Innovation," which Nishimura wrote specifically for it. I was informed that the sheet music could be downloaded individually, making it easy to obtain.
Smiley Moon (Sound Innovations Soloist, Bb Clarinet) by Yukiko Nishimura - B-Flat Clarinet - Digital Sheet MusicSheet Music Pluswww.sheetmusicplus.com
Let's Record It Right Away
This piece is designed to be playable without difficulty even for beginners, but at the same time, it tests the skills of advanced players. It comes with explanations and exercises, making it a very comprehensive package.
As soon as I played it, I fell in love with the atmosphere of the piano part as well.
I thought, "I must introduce this to people who play the clarinet!" and decided to start the "Smiley Moon Challenge".
Smiley Moon Challenge
Challenge participants download the piece (see link above), practice extensively, and record a performance video. Finally, all participants listen to each other's performances online. During the challenge period, we have been conducting short sessions and practice sessions on Discord, an online community tool.
The piece comes with exercises to help understand it. You can practice scales, leaps, and rhythms in line with the piece's harmony and chord progressions. If you work on them properly, your fundamental skills will be significantly strengthened.
We also took on a "Reinforcement Exercise Challenge" online for two weeks.
I strongly suggest to start with the exercises.
A few points to look at: clarinet lesson
How to set the mood for the initial scene?

How does recapitulation differ from exposition?

How do you end the piece?
We learned how to construct the overall structure of the piece while being conscious of the piano part.
December 15th was the final day of the challenge, and we watched each participant's recording together in an online watch party. This was streamed in the exclusive Discord community "GRACE NOTE".
Please try taking on this challenge yourself whenever you are available. If you need advice, we also offer online lessons, so feel free to contact us through our website.
Performance example
Contact me if you have any clarinet inquiry ~ clarinet lesson